Elon’s Playground

The Hyperloop made by Elon Musk and The Boring Company, to most is an innovative idea to help better the traffic problem in Los Angeles. However, to a few friends and I, it was more of a look inside a playground some billionaire decided to make because he could.

This adventure took place in 2017, after a wild night out with some friends in Boston, running around the city’s subway system. We had a goal in mind and ended up pushing our luck. After exiting a subway emergency exit, we were met by two cops. Sam who was in front of me bolted away and I quickly followed suit. There was one more explorer with us but he was not as fortunate as Sam and I.

He was caught. I was close to being next. As I run for my life, I can see the officers flashlight beam slowly fading as I out ran him. Bystanders recorded and shouted while we ran but we got away. After evading the police in what felt like a Grand Theft Auto game. I made it home safely.

I was paranoid, I was scared, and I thought that the police would be coming for me at any moment. Two days after making it home safely Sam and I had a flight booked to Los Angeles to continue exploring in a different setting. We deleted our socials and decided to stay low, But the paranoia was still lingering in my mind. I thought TSA would surely snatch us up as we boarded our flight, but they didn’t. Six hours later we made it to the city of angels. Within an hour we found ourselves sneaking around the SpaceX facility and avoiding guards until we made our way into the Hyperloop.

Sam and Fozz at the entrance of the Hyperloop

Looking out at the only entrance into the tunnel


Touching the Sky